29 OCT 2010 - page02 -HOUSE PRISING!

HOUSE PRICING issue - toooooo high to take!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ HOUSE.JPG

29OCT 2010 - ARTIST and BUDGET 2011 -just another angle...

ARTIST and BUDGET 2011 -just another angle...
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/2010/ OCT29/ TUBES.JPG

29 OCT 2010 - Artist and the BUDGET 2011

Artist and the BUDGET 2011...'untitle"...
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2011/ OCT29/ ARTIST.JPG

28 OCT 2010 - GALAS and BATU SAPI - and the by-election campaign begin!

....and the by-election campaign begin!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT28/ ELECTION.JPG

27OCT 2010 - RACISM - old canon that still amazingly working!

RACISM - old canon that still amazingly working!-especially in this by-elections season...
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT27/ CANON.jpg

26 OCT 2010 - GALAS nad BATU SAPI -here we come!

GALAS nad BATU SAPI -here we come!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010 / OCT26/ GALAS.JPG


MACC and the GIANT 'CORRUPTION' OCTOPUS - the war against corruptions SAGA!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ oct 25/ MONSTER.jpg

25OCT2010 - ARTIST and BUDGET 2011

where were we in the budget 2011? - anonymous artist
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT25/ TAX.jpg

22OCT2010 - CRITICS no. 2

CRITICS and critics but still grabbed benefits from the project...
hi res file: nstartist[at]gmail.com subject: CRITICS 02 CARTOON filename: CRITICS02.JPG

22OCT2010 - MATHS and SCIENCE!-for page 02

maths and science will be teach in bahasa....-page 02 cartoon
hi res file: nstartist[at]gmail.com Subject: MATHS CARTOON filename: MATHS.jpg

22OCT2010 - CRITICS but ENJOYING at the same time...

critics all govt project...but enjoying the benefit at the same time...
hi res file: nstartist[at]gmail.com subject: CRITICS CARTOON filename: CRITICS.jpg


....NEVER ENDING TALKING ..its an environment issue
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/2010/OCT21/CLIMATE.jpg

19OCT2010 - the MOLE IN MACC

the mole in MCC - but who? the case or the WHO?
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT19/ MOLE.jpg

19OCT2010 - PKR and nurul...

pkr and nurul...
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT19/ PKR.jpg

18 OCT 2010 - GALAS by-election

galas climate change? - hopping season coming?
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT18/ CLIMATE.jpg

14OCTY2010 - UMNO and YOUTH

UMNO AND YOUTH - cooperations need if...
hi res file: nstartist[@]gmail.com Subject: UMNO filename: UMNOS.JPG

14 OCT 2010 - DIVORCED - today and after

DIVORCED - what we might say to our kids?
hi res file: nstartist[at]gmail.com subject: DIVORCED - page02 cartoon filename: DIVORCE.psd

14/OCT/2010 - to WIN umno have to tackle the YOUTH first!

to WIN umno have to tackle the YOUTH first!
hi res file: nstartist[at]gmail.com subject : YOUTH CARTOON filename: YOUTHS.jpg

PMR and UPSR - and a new exam system

no more PMR and UPSR but...there will be a new system,..
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT12/ UPSR.jpg


hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT12/RACISM.jpg

11/OCT/200 - GALAS by-election - choose the right bulb..

GALAS by-election - choose your bulb!:)
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT11/ GALAS.jpg

11/OCT/2010 - PERKASA - backfired?

hi res file: desktop editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT11/ PERKASA.jpg

09/OCT/2010 - status on Social Networking - page02 Sunday

page02 cartoon - social networking-the good -the bad and the ugly
hi res file: nstartist@gmail.com Subject: FACEBOOK filename: facebook.psd

07/OCT/2010 - GALAS by-election

GALAS by-election - can start the generator now!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT07/GALAS.jpg

07/OCT/ 2010 - CORRUPTIONS...

...corruptions - the never ending cases...
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT06/CORRUPTION.jpg


...WE STILL CAN FACE THE CLIMATE CHANFGES...coz we 're the mjor contributrs! haha
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT06/ CLIMATE.jpg

5/10/2010 - PKR chaos and fight ....

PKR - chaos in the meeting !
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT05/ PKR.jpg

5/10/2010 - GALAS by-election

Galas by-election ....
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT05/ GALAS.jpg

5/10/2010 - RACISM

racism ....
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT05/ RACISM.jpg

4/10/2010 - in progress - magistrate fined and jailed?

graft corruptions - eat everyone! eat all! swallowed all!

4/10/2010 - in progress - PKR...

rough sketch - pkr on their polling day?

3/oct/2010 - HOTLINE for kids?

page 02 cartoon - there will be HOTLINE for KIDS soon? careful with your kids from now on mate...
hi res file: nstartist@gmail.com subject: HOTLINE CARTOON filename: HOTLINE.psd

PKR- and the FIGHTING start!

..and the fighting season start...
hi res file: desktop/editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT01/ PKR.jpg