30/08/2010 - RED TAPE - beurocracy - to0 many task to follow..

REDTAPE - too many procedures to follow...
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS30/ REDTAPE.jpg


SWEEPING MALAYSIA CAMPAIGN by BENDERA -instructions came directly from their headquarters!
hi rs file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS30/ BENDERA.jpg


HI RES FILE: nstartist[@]gmail.com Subject: HUJAN EMAS filename: EMAS.PSD

28 /08/2010 -JALUR GEMILANG - cartoon page 02

Waving Jalur Gemilang to celebrate Merdeka Day! - is it any other way?
hi res file: nstartist[@]gmail.com subject: MERDEKA cartoon page 02 Filename: GEMILANG.psd

21/08/2010 - extinction of FIREFLY...

..firefly in kuala selangor - moving out soon because of sand mining activities?:)
hi res file: nstartist[at]gmail.com Subject: FIREFLY page 02 cartoon Filename: FIREFLY.psd

21/08/2010-When every RACE speaks!!

when we talk about RACE ..our race...
hi res file: nstartist[at]gmail.com Subject: RACISM CARTOON filename: RACISM.jpg

pg 02 cartoon in progress - firefly VS the Monster!

environment issue - pg 02 cartoon - in progress...

for Dtk Zainul sunday column - in progress

cartoon for Dtk Zainul in progress - RACISM issue

19/ 09/2010 - MACC war!

MACC keep on fighting hard against CORUPTION!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS19/ BOAT.jpg

18/08/2010 - MACC in action!

...toooo small! bring up BIG ONE!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS18/ JAWS.jpg

17/08/2010 - MILITANT and EXTREMIST - they are twins!

MILITANT and EXTREMIST - they are twins!..
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/2010/ OGOS17/ TWIN.jpg

17/08/2010 - and the BLOGGER Issue

..blogger blogging - write on everythings - and not everything freely lately - had to pay!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS17/ BLOG.jpg

16/08/2010 - UPSR and PMR - HALT again?

...still talking about PMR and UPSR issue...
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS16/ PMR.jpg

16/08/2010 - MONEY MATTERS...

- need money? careful with along...
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS16/ ALONG.jpg

14/08/2010 - BAM - what happen?

BAM? - what happen? what will happened?:)
hi res file: nstartist[@]gmail.com subject: BAM filename: BAM.JPG

14/08/2010 - Pg02 cartoon - tech gadgets

when iphone-ipad-ipod- enter the meeting room...:)
hi res file: nstartist[at]gmail.com Subject: PAGE 2 CARTOON - PHONE filename: PHONE.psd

pg02 cartoon - in progress

page 02 cartoon in progress...

13/08/2010 - BAM issue - in progress...

BAM - what happened? - in progress


...social problems and internet...
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/2010/ OGOS12/ BLOG.jpg

11/08/2010 - AH LONG! - need money?

..Ah Long - need money? urgently?
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS11/ ALONG.jpg

11/08/2010 - our FILM! - FINAS crisis

...and meeting with minister also didn't work - FINAS crisis.
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS11/ FILM.jpg

10-08-2010 - SELANGOR water crisis.

...selangor new crisis - and it's about WATER! no more FREE after this?
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS10/ WATER.jpg

10-08-2010 - INTERNET is pornography?

..if we just swallowed everything!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS10/ INTERNET.jpg

10 August - ROKET - we will conquer the world!

with the support of all members..we can conquer the world!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS10/ ROKET.jpg


selangor - how pakatan want to fix the flatten tyre?
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS09/ SELANGOR.jpg

MEDIA - the long road to FREE SPEECH?

the media and the challenges...
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS09/ MEDIA.jpg

METER TAXI - cartoon for STREETS

meter taxi - pro and cons and con taxi driver...
hi res file: nstartist[at]gmail.com - subject: TAXI - CARTOON filename: TAXI.jpg

PKFZ Scandal strikes again ...

MACC start the drilling!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/2010/ OGOS06/ PKFZ.jpg

DISCIPLINE - yesterday and today.. - sunday cartoon

how discipline teacher gonna implement it nowadays?
Hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ ogos06/ DISCIPLINE.jpg

sunday cartoon - in progress...

school students - discipline ...in progress... - dare cutting my hair? regards from my mummy...

BLOGGER ...- in progress

blogger - and free speech issue - in progress...

pkfz probe expanded - in progress

pkfz scandal - macc expanded probe ...more people to come forward...
-in progress

DAP IN CRISIS...Tanjong! - we got problem!

DAP in crisis! - deepen! got a biiig problem to land this time!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS04/ ROKET.jpg

FINAS - our small film industries in crisis?

when one camera got more than one lens - where to shoot? CUT!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS04/ FINAS.jpg


DAP CRISIS - new crisis deepen...
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS03/ DAP.jpg

TERRORISM...never ending story...

terrorism .......never ending story...
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS03/ TERROR.jpg

MILITANTS activities just right below us!

militants activities...just right below us....
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OGOS02/ EXTREMIST.jpg