HE JUST fully recover yesterday...but its before he got his BILL today! hi res file: nstartist[at]gmail.com filename: BILLFINAL.PSD, BILLFINAL.JPG Subject: PAGE02 - SUNDAY TIMES - HOSPITAL BILL
Obama once said 'Balik Kampung' while visiting Indonesia..now Hillary told the President the same thing... hi res file: nstartist[at]gmail.com filename: HILLARY.PSD Subject: HILLARY CARTOON
...page02 cartoon - for peace and harmony - lets cooperate with each other...:) hi res file : nstartist[at]gmail.com subject :PAGE 02 CARTOON-POLICE filename: POLICE.PSD
RACISM - old canon that still amazingly working!-especially in this by-elections season... hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ OCT27/ CANON.jpg
CRITICS and critics but still grabbed benefits from the project... hi res file: nstartist[at]gmail.com subject: CRITICS 02 CARTOON filename: CRITICS02.JPG