MCA crisis-new scroll for three dragons!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 25NOV09/ NAGA.jpg
Selling very cheap cartoons illustrations in town! _2015 - sudin Copyrights Reserved.)
MCA - put aside this 3 balls weapon of destructions first!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 25NOV09/ TERMS.jpg
PEACE TALK - in MCA! - all on track - in cool progress,...
hi res file: desktop / editorial kartuns/ 25NOV09/ PEACE.jpg
2012 - NOW Showing! - we were warned!-Only in theatre!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 11NOV09/2012.jpg
aung sun su kyi will be release soon...
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 11NOV09/ SUU KYI.jpg
they would divorce their wives - talak 3 if they decided to jump to another party..
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 06NOV09/ OATH.jpg
PAC want MACC to investigate - further - deep!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/05NOV09/ MACC.jpg