hi re file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 30OCT09/ PKR.jpg

MCA-unity plan - what about the 'black hand"?

MCA unity plan - for the sake of party - PEACE....really?

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 30OCT09/ PLAN.jpg


PAS; - about unity talk with UMNO

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 28OCT09/ UNITY.jpg

FASTest internet connctions in Malaysia!

..there she is!

hi res file: desktop/editorial kartuns/ 28OCT09/ NET.jpg

PAS- Hadi Awang and Nik aziz - confrontation?

nik aziz and hadi awang - confronts each other? pro umno debate? call for EGM?

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 27OCT09/ PAS.jpg

PAS - nik Aziz call for EGM!

EGM time for PAS! - Nik Aziz call EGM!

hi re file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 27OCT09/ EGM.jpg

ONG TEE KEAT - marching confidently!

ong tee eat - marching confidently - with MCA!

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 24OCT09/ TEEKEAT.jpg

Ong Tee Keat will stay with MCA - till the END!

ONG TEE KEAT will stay!

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 24OCT09/ MCA.jpg

Klinik 1 Malaysia

klinik 1 malaysia - budget 2010 - a big hit to private clinic.- not surprise if your BOSS also go there! - just to SAVE BUDGET !

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 24OCT09/ KLINIK.jpg

MEGA speedy Internet connection - 2010 budget

new improve mega speed internet connection! - budget 2010

hi res file : desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 23OCT09/ NET.jpg


UMNO for ALL! 1 Malaysia! 

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 23OCT09/ ALL.jpg


budget 2010 - balancing between deficit and economic growth..

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 22 OCT 09/ BUDGET.jpg

Liow Tong Lai - and macc

liow tiong lai - shining bright new star - showering with MACC torchlight 

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 22 OCT 09/ MCA.jpg

Liow Teong Lai ready to face MACC

liow teong lai and macc - new alphard case?
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 21 OCT 09/ LIOW.jpg

Zaid Ibrahim on leave for 6 months? or leaving?

zaid ibrahim taking leave for 6 months....

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 20OCT09/ ZAID.jpg

Pakatan Reps warned against causing ruckus this time state assembly on the lamp post!!

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 19 OCT 09/ PERAK.jpg

Leow Teong Lai - Phoenix rise from ash?

leow teong lai - mca - rise from ash?

hi res file:  desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 19 OCT 09/ TEONG.jpg

MCA - ONG tee keat and CHUA soi lek

CUT IT OUT!! - to overcome crisis!

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 13OCT09/ CUT.jpg

Heat's on TEE KEAT to step down

Heat's on TEE KEAT to step down - NST, 0ct13

hi res file: destop/ editorial artuns/ 13OCT09/ ONG.jpg

Heat's on TEE KEAT to step down - NST

Najib: Decide MCA leadership now....

decide now....or prepare for the WORST? - SINKING? blurb..blurb..

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 12OCT09/ MCA.jpg

...and the result of Bagan Pinang by-election...


hi res file: desktop/editorial kartuns/ 12OCT09/ PAS.jpg


illustration for sunday times - cosmetci surgery? liposuction?

hi res file: transfer/ OCT09/ LIPO.jpg

also on: desktop/ SUNDAY/ LIPO/ LIPO.jpg

KEGANASAN dalam pilihanraya...

violents - kaganasan dan pilihanraya kecil..

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 08OCT 09/ DEMO.jpg

GANYANG MALAYSIA!- topup early!

GANYANG MALAYSIA! - no credit? :) - call SMART!

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 07 OCT 09/ BNDRA02.jpg


Ganyang malaysia - be alert - be aware! - they are on their way!

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 07 OCT 09/ BNDRA01.jpg

BAGAN PINANG - which one you choose?

which one you dare to choose? sendiri mau ingat....

hi re file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 07 OCT 09/ LAMP.jpg

1 Malaysia F1 team- alot of dragback!

1malaysia F1 team! 

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 06 OCT 09/ F1.jpg

Nordin md Top death - end of asia terrorism?

nordin md top death - end of asia's most wanted terrorism - end of terrorism?

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 06 OCT09/ FALL.jpg

Nordin Mohd top - do we really kill terrorism?

nordin mohd top - most wanted terrorism in asia - killed
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 06 OCT 09/ TOP.jpg

TABUNG BENCANA - our neighbours need HELP!

tabung bencana media prima - nstp - to our neighbours - ...

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 05 OCT 09/ PADANG.jpg


BAGAN PINANG BY-ELECTION - and the campaign started...

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 05 OCT 09/ PAIP.jpg

BAGAN PINANG - already flooded with supporters...

its dead or alive by-election....

hi res file : desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 02OCT09/ BAGAN.jpg


MCA - extraordinary general meeting..

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 01 OCT09/ MCA.jpg

KAMPUNG WARISAN KEDAH - new white elephant?

kampung warisan kedah project - a new mega white elephant project?

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 01 OCT09/ WHITE.jpg

ISA samad - work on gaining STAMINA!


hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 01 ct09/ SKIPPING.jpg