CORRUPTIONS - new sunday times

corruptions issue - u give me - i take - both should be punish! 
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL30/ CORRUPT.jpg
nst pix - 02ntcorrupt.tiff

BLEED OFF - the Hulu Selangor by-election results

pakatan rakyat bleeds by hulu selangor by-election results...
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL28/ SWORD.jpg

Hulu Se;angor by-election results affected pakatan.

pakatan hits hard by hulu selangor by-elections result?
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL28/ BN.jpg

RUMOUR MILLS at Hulu Selangor

oppositions rumour mills will work 24 hrs - untill sunday - election day. ...

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL23/ RUMOUR.jpg


..even been followed to the clinic by her siblings!:)

hi res file: dekstop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL22/ AEDES.jpg

or  desktop/ 25ntaedes.tiff

BN and PR ready to take Hulu Selangor

readyy!...aim! - BN and PR are ready ...:)

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL21/ ARROW.jpg


hulu selangor by-election - and the campaign begins!

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL15/ CAT.jpg

Instant Noodles! Everyone's FAV!

malaysians bought 100 millions pack of instant noodles daily! :) - big tight budget? 

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL16/MAGGI.jpg

SLUG : 18ntmaggi.tiff

Zaid Ibrahim - in BOXER suit!

zaid ibrahim- a fierce boxer! - ready to takeover hulu selangor!

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL14/ ZAID.jpg

ZAIB IBRAHIM and Hulu Selangor by-election

- at gym - to sty fit!

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL14/ GYM.jpg

Hulu Selangor electric POLE

- hulu selangor by - election - on everybody alerts...

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL13/ POLE.jpg

don't call the RAIN yet..:)

hulu selangor by-election - hope everythings goes fine - smooth - :)

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL13/ RAIN.jpg

Dracula Procedure

- no more botox - plastic surgery - here she come! - dracula procedure!

hi res fie: 11ntdracula.tiff - NST PIC

ori file: desktop/ editorial karuns/ 2010/ APRIL09/ SUNDAY

Which one you choose...

hulu selangor by election - choose which 'hulu' you want to fit in hulu selangor keris...

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL09/ KERIS.jpg

to replace Ulu Keris for Hulu Kelang..

to replace missing 'ulu keris' for Hulu Kelang seat...

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL08/ KERIS.jpg

HULU KELANG - by election

...little napoleon in hulu selangor! - by election fever!

hi re file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL07/ HULUSELANGOR.jpg

H1N1 strikes back!

alert of swine flu - h1n1 - strikes back - a second wave!

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL06/ H1N1.jpg

HULU SELANGOR by election

..hulu selangor by election - the challenge begins!

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL06/ BYELECTION.jpg


...and the latest news about our sports world - MSN vs KOAM - clash of the titans?

hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL05/KOAM.jpg

lonely moment in politics!

that very moment will come...when everybody hopped away!
hi res file: desktop/ editorial kartuns/ 2010/ APRIL05/ FROG.jpg

Missing TARGET! - road to PUTRAJAYA!

...LONG ROAD TO PUTRAJAYA - and a dart's tournament - and a missing target...
hi res gile: desktop/ editorial kartuns/2010/ APRIL01/ TARGET.jpg